Saturday, December 28, 2019

Provoking Revenge In Hamlet Essay - 492 Words

Storming into the palace and throwing accusations at Claudius, Laertes reveals he is impulsive. Laertes anger is due to the dishonor that has been inflicted on his family by Polonius’s murder. Claudius takes advantage of the sudden appearance of Laertes, by provoking Laertes into assisting him in plotting Hamlet’s murder. Shakespeare uses Laertes not only as a catalyst in the story, but as a contrast to the pensive Hamlet. Both men seek the same kind of justice but chose different paths to attain it. Laertes acts on anger without thinking, but Hamlet waits, debating the consequence of committing murder. Laertes function is to contrast Hamlet’s sensibility with his incensed spontaneity.Claudius manipulates to his advantage Laertes lack†¦show more content†¦Laertes wants to quot;dare damnationquot;(215) letting quot;come what comesquot;(215) from killing Hamlet. The idea of not avenging Polonius is unthinkable to Laertes. He is driven by his anger and can see no other option than to kill Hamlet. However Hamlet considers his situation, studying what will come if he kills the king. Hamlet frustrates himself because he cannot bring himself to kill Claudius wanting to quot;have grounds more relative thanquot;(119) ghost or suspicion. Hamlet wants to be sure Claudius committed the murder before he kills him, but Laertes accuses whomever he suspects of killing Polonius without debating motive. Because Hamlet does not leap to kill as Laertes does, Hamlet is seen as the sensible of the two, justified for waiting to kill Claudius and not rushing into murder. Laertes is used in Act IV as a comparison to Hamlet because as the conclusion to the play draws near confusion is produced by Hamlet’s lack of action against Claudius. Shakespeare uses Laertes reckless abandon as a way of showing how Hamlets contemplation is not procrastination but a sign of intelligence. Laertes will avenge his father, as will Hamlet, but only Hamlet foresees the horror of justice, and avenges his father knowing full well the repercussions he will receive for murder. Shakespeare shows Hamlet maturity, and thus Hamlet receives respect for meditating on what he must do rather than if he had actedShow MoreRelatedRevenge Themes in Hamlet1077 Words   |  5 PagesIn the play ‘Hamlet written by William Shakespeare in Elizabethan times, the theme of revenge is a constant throughout the plot. Not onl y does it underlie almost every scene, but it also has a major effect on the story as a whole. Two of the main revenge plots within the play are Hamlets aim to avenge his father by killing his uncle, the king Claudius, and Laertes aim to avenge the murder of his father by killing Hamlet. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

ratio analysis Essay - 950 Words

Financial Ratios: What They MeanIn assessing the significance of various financial data, managers often engage in ratio analysis, the process of determining and evaluating financial ratios. A financial ratio is a relationship that indicates something about a companys activities, such as the ratio between the companys current assets and current liabilities or between its accounts receivable and its annual sales. The basic source for these ratios is the companys financial statements that contain figures on assets, liabilities, profits, and losses. Ratios are only meaningful when compared with other information. Since they are often compared with industry data, ratios help managers understand their companys performance relative to that†¦show more content†¦The most common is the price earnings (P/E) ratio. It is published daily with the transactions of the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, and NASDAQ. These quotations show not only the most recent price but also the highest and lowest price paid for the stock during the previous fifty-two weeks, the annual dividend, the dividend yield, the price/earnings ratio, the days trading volume, high and low prices for the day, the changes from the previous days closing price. The price to earnings (P/E) ratio is calculated by dividing the current market price per share by current earnings per share. It represents a multiplier applied to current earnings to determine the value of a share of the stock in the market. The price-earnings ratio is influenced by the earnings and sales growth of the company, the risk (or volatility in performance), the debt-equity structure of the company, the dividend policy, the quality of management, and a number of other factors. A companys P/E ratio should be compared to those of other companies in the same industry. The following is a listing of some of the ratios to be aware of in analyzing a companys balance sheet and income statement. These ratios fall into four categories — liquidity, profitability, asset management (efficiency), and debtShow MoreRelatedRatio Analysis1885 Words   |  8 Pages Ratio Analysis University of Phoenix HCS/571 Finance Resource Management Sept 24, 2013Rosetta Stringfellow, MBA, BSRatio Analysis Ratio analysis is a widely used managerial tool that compares one number with another to gain insights that would not arise from looking at either of the numbers separately. Ratio analysis is used to examine and interpret the relationship between two numbers on a financial statement. This is done so that the managersRead MoreThe Analysis And Ratio Analysis1012 Words   |  5 Pagesthis paper adopts the document analysis and ratio analysis. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Challenges in Starting a New Business free essay sample

Starting a new business can be very exciting as well as challenging. It can be exciting because it might be a transition from being an employee to owning a business and becoming one’s own boss where there is freedom of doing things without anybody’s influence. The idea of being a business owner can be very exhilarating in itself. Bateman states that ‘The control and ownership of a business is a very powerful feeling. Having ownership is like an adrenalin flow. It gives you more energy – you start to see what you can achieve. (Smith, 1997, p. 149) There are numerous advantages of having one’s own business. The potential to earn a higher income, independence, being one’s own boss, ability to fully implement one’s creative talents, choosing one’s own hours of work and a sense of personal pride and achievement are just a few. Establishing a new business has two very distinct features. The first is that the entrepreneur is the sole arbiter of his/her ability to start and run the business. This puts a heavy responsibility on the entrepreneur’s self-knowledge as not everyone is suited to being an entrepreneur or self-employed and it is not always easy to determine one’s suitability. The second characteristic of starting a business is to create one’s own income. This is largely dependent on the type of business and the target market. In theory, a well-run business should succeed in any market. In practice, however, success can be made more likely by choosing one’s product and market. Planning is an important part of starting a business. The success of the business depends on proper and realistic planning. A good plan would include the entrepreneur’s vision of the business, short, medium and long term goals of the business, people and business partners and their roles and suitability, the product, competitors and the advantage of one’s product over the competitor’s, marketing of the product, finances, risks associated with starting the business and finally, the exit strategy which would determine the future of the business once the entrepreneur is retired. The next and most important phase is tackling the challenges the entrepreneur will face in starting the business. These challenges or hurdles play a vital role in the success of the business. They manifest themselves in many different forms. The most common challenges are determining one’s suitability to run the business, lack of finance, finding the niche, and the right product, location of the business if it is a retail business, and time management. Determining one’s suitability as an entrepreneur is an integral aspect of starting any business. Being the owner of a business brings along with it a lot of responsibility and hard work. The business may require the entrepreneur to work up to 12-16 hours a day and possibly six to seven days a week as well as holidays. This is in contrast many more hours than a regular, paid job, not to mention the physical and emotional stress that comes along with it. Added to this fact is the additional stress of not being able to spend much time with family and friends. The family’s ability to withstand the stress that this would put upon them is another factor that an entrepreneur needs to take into consideration. The owner must therefore be able to decide if he/she has the physical stamina to handle the workload and the busy schedule as well as the emotional strength to withstand the strain. Having prior knowledge or business experience also plays a vital role in determining one’s suitability of being an entrepreneur. Another factor is that the business may require the owner to temporary lower his/her standard of living as initially, there may not be enough income generated by the business in the first few months of being established. This is an interesting situation as people may live under the assumption that starting a business will make them rich very quickly if not overnight. Such an assumption is dangerous as the owner may be in for a nasty surprise with bitter consequences. The second challenge in starting a business is finance. A large number of small businesses fail each year due to insufficient funds or capital. Many entrepreneurs miscalculate the amount of money they need to start and operate their business. They may later find that they need more capital in order to sustain till the business is fully established. Others are likely to suffer as they may not be able to market themselves or their product or because they find that they are unable to supply all the required products. Yet others may not even have the ability to pay for any extra help. This one fatal error in calculating the capital may cause the business to suffer heavily and lead to its eventual downfall. It is always wise to explore the possibility of having extra capital in an event that the business required more funds. However, the crucial point still remains that the entrepreneur take great care in determining how much funds are needed in order for the business to survive till the time it can be properly established. Generally, a new business would take around but is not limited to six months before it starts to generate enough income to ully sustain itself. Thus the entrepreneur needs to keep this time frame in mind when determining the initial capital. It would also pay to have a separate living expense for the first six months of starting the business. The third challenge is to find a niche. Knowing which product to sell and the sort of market it will have is another big challenge for all entrepreneurs. Before starting a new business the owner needs to kn ow his/her product and its target customers very well. When deciding on the product to sell, the entrepreneur needs to consider the feasibility of his/her idea. An important thing that must be seriously considered is the marketability of the product in the prevailing market situation. The business owner needs to know the competition that his/her product would face and the advantage(s) that the product has over the competitor’s, for example being cheaper. The type of product also goes a long way in determining how it would sell to the customers. For example, a basic everyday item will have greater marketability and hence will provide quicker returns than a luxury item directed towards a specific group of people. This in turn highlights the importance of the location of the business which can be regarded as the fourth challenge. Finding a good site to market one’s product is another challenge. A souvenir retail outlet, for example, will do better if opened in a place usually frequented by tourists such as a beach or a popular holiday destination than opening it next to a children’s clothing store. The fifth challenge is time management. It can be very challenging when everything and everybody requires the owner’s attention. Entrepreneurs therefore need to ‘manage their time successfully by creating good work habits, planning their tasks carefully, setting their priorities wisely and allocating their time effectively’. (Moss, 2001, Pg 1). The owner must have the ability to distinguish and tackle time-wasting tasks and people from distracting him/her. The talent of recognizing business opportunities and prioritizing tasks in order of importance would see that precious time is not wasted. Having a business plan that reflects the vision of the owner and sets out a clear direction will give stability to the new business. Knowing the challenges that the entrepreneur is likely to face would help prepare the owner to face these challenges. It would also give the entrepreneur the opportunity to explore the real reason(s) for him/her to start a new business and discipline him/her self to face these challenges. A business plan and knowing the challenges would help ensure the ultimate success of the business and would lead towards the fulfillment of the entrepreneur’s dreams and visions. References: Moss, G. (2001). Time-Savers: Guideline, Checklists Golden Rules. (2nd ed. ,).

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

David Leong master of mayhem Essay Example For Students

David Leong: master of mayhem Essay Taoist philosopher Lao-Tzu described the ideal leader as one who works his influence everywhere, but leaves no trace of his presence. In talking with Davi Leong, one wonders if the cosmic laws that govern Taoist kings might also hold true for fight choreographers. With over 250 productions to his credit, Leong i easily the most in-demand fight director in America; and yet he works under a peculiar paradox. The better he does his job, the less likely audiences are to notice his efforts. We met in the cafe section of New Yorks Roundabout Theatre, where Leongs handiwork adorned the companys recent mounting of William Inges 1953 slice of Americana, Picnic. There was something almost poignant in the way we tiptoed into the auditorium to watch the fight sequences, then tiptoed back to our tabl once the onstage clashes had run their brief course. Every minute of choreographed mayhem represents about 10 hours of rehearsal time, so Leong has had to get used to watching the fruits of his labor pass by in a flash. But the biggest thrill for himand for the audience caught up in the spectacleis the scrappy sense of reality in the scenes, and the seamless way they blend into th action. The man behind all the fencing and fisticuffs is a 42-year-old Brooklyn residen with a dauntingly diverse resume: certified fight master, Juilliard professor, playwright, producer of live entertainments for theme parks, Obie award-winner and expert juggler. He gives the impression of a man completely at home in his own body; speech and movement seem to flow from a center of calm, a reservoir o unassuming confidence he carries about with him at all times. Leong studied drama at the University of New Hampshire, where he more or less fell into the role of fight director because of his previous experience in gymnastics and movement. This led to membership in the Society of American Figh Directors, where he came under the influence of Patrick Crean, the legendary master who coached Laurence Olivier and served as Errol Flynns double. Spontaneous action Leong became a fight master himself in 1983a title he shares with only eight others in the country. The process is a remarkably gruelling one: Each candidat must serve five years as a certified teacher and actor/combatant, demonstrate a thorough expertise in the use of weapons, acquire a knowledge of theatrical literature and history, build up 20 union credits as a fight director, have his work scrutinized in performance by other masters, and pass written and oral exams. The end result, in Leongs case, is an ability to disguise rigorous technique a spontaneous action. The point is to create a volatile moment onstage that hits the audience in the solar plexus, rather than a stylized technical display. Since a fight can only look convincing if it is treated as part of the total performance, Leong spends considerable time exploring character motivationwhether hes working with professional actors or his third-year acting students at Juilliard. Its all about the interior, he says. Then I translate that into physical terms with the actors. This often means paying special attention to silencesas in a Miles Davis piece, where the spaces between notes express as much as the notes themselves. The fight moves dont mean anything, Leong explains. Its all about what happens with the actors when theyre not fighting. In the middle of a fight theyll stop for a second, and theres a beatI look at you, and I see what youve just done to me, and then the audience sees this rage build up in me. Its those moments between the fighting that really are more interesting. .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30 , .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30 .postImageUrl , .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30 , .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30:hover , .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30:visited , .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30:active { border:0!important; } .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30:active , .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30 .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2cc151b4ba808c3ba6f2b9b127bc4c30:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Hard Times have credibility EssayTwo of Leongs recent New York projects have allowed him to flaunt his talents fully: Nicholas Hytners acclaimed revival of Carousel at Lincoln Center Theater, and Julie Taymors violence-inflected production of Titus Andronicus a Theater for a New Audience. His work is evident throughout Carousel, but most conspicuously in the Blow High, Blow Low number, in which some 17 grog-swilling sea dogs are caught up in a donnybrook in a waterfront tavern. Richard Rodgers intended the number to be accompanied by a dance, but Leong and Hytner decided not to go that routepartly because of Leongs aversion to stagy-looking choreographed fights, and partly because Hytner wanted a real knock-down drag-out brawl. (If you want to do that kind of thing, Leong says, you cant count it out in beats.) The music was arranged to fit the movements rather than vice versa; the result is a dynamic, invigorating whirl of energy that works both as a fight and as a musical spectacle. Its that wild, rough-around-the-edges quality that gives Leongs fights their smack of authenticity. His punches look like they really hurt. A lot of fighting I see onstage looks so slick, he says. It should look out of control without being out of control. It has to be urgent. Undeniable visceral wallop Titus Andronicus brought out a somewhat different side of Leongs abilities: namely, supervisor and sometime-designer of grisly special effects. Bardolaters have long been embarrassed by Shakespeares first attempt at tragedy, a cornucopia of gory goings-on better known for its head-baked-in-a-pie scene tha its deathless verse. But for someone of Leongs interests, the play is an embarrassment of richesa succession of scenes in which actors are impaled wit candlesticks, choked with soup ladles and hung upside down with their throats cut. Such scenes pose intriguing technical challenges and pack an undeniable viscera wallop, but they lack the dynamism of a true fight, which according to Leong ca be almost an intellectual thing. Theres strategy involved. I cut here with a sword, you parry there, I see that youre pretty fast so I go over hereits a much a chess match as anything. A play like Titus is basically acts of outright aggression, and oftentimes the victim has no chance to even think about it. On the heels of SubUrbia at Lincoln Center, and Oleanna and Orpheus Descending at the Alley Theatre of Houston, Leong works on Michael Kahns adaptation of th two Henry IV plays, due Sept. 20 at the Shakespeare Theatre in Washington, D.C. If hes lucky, his schedule will still leave him some free time for his family in Brooklyns Park Slopethe site, ironically enough, of a recent scene more tense than anything Leong has staged. While visiting a playground with his one-year-old son, a couple of preteens started playing with a loaded pistol. It fired. No one was hurt, but it was the kind of violence that could give pause even to a certified fight master.