Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lab report about prism spectrometer Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

About prism spectrometer - Lab Report Example Those colors emanated from the, white, Hydrogen and Mercury light sources. The main objective of carrying out this study on prisms is to learn the aspects of prism spectrometer theory so as to enhance the ability of explaining the practicability of its components. This was mainly achieved through observation of the mercury spectrum discharge lamp while taking subsequent angle of deviation records regarding the spectral lines. This hence creates the capability of determining the refraction index of the given glass prism for a number of wavelengths. It also gives insights on how to utilize the calibrated prism for the ultimate measurement of unknown wavelengths. Finally, it enables one to make a general observation regarding color sensation that is caused by the prevailing light of specific wavelengths. The main tool that is used in this lab experiment is the spectroscope. This is an instrument that is used for production an ultimate viewing of spectra. It is often comprised of three main parts that includes; a collimator for production of parallel light beams, a prism that is majorly responsible for light dispersion towards the spectrum, and the telescope that is ultimately meant for spectrum examination (GutieÃŒ rrez-Vega, Julio, 2007). When there is transmission of light beam from air to the glass, the bending of the ray occurs with accordance to the Snells law. Therefore this can be summarized by an equation that is stated as sin q air = n sin q glass; whereby the subsequent measurement of subsequent angles is done on the normal surface in which n refers to the refraction index of the entire glass. The refraction index is hence a dimension-less value and is simply a clear measurement of the intensity in which the medium can bend light. The increase in the size of n is directly proportional to the increased bending of light. The usual refractive index of air is always 1. For a glass, n often varies from the value of between 1.3 and 1.8,

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