Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Red Horse And Rider Essay - 2126 Words

As Jesus Christ opens the second seal, it reveals a Red Horse and rider. This rider demonstrates a sense of harmony that is very distant to his country where a fuss is always brewing and can disrupt all most anywhere. Daniel declares the red rider is â€Å"like to a bear, as he raises up itself on one side, and he has three ribs [three horsemen] in his mouth between the teeth of it: and they say thus unto it, arise, devour much flesh† (Daniel 7:5) . He is a bear, less generous and stronger than the lion; more rough and discourteous, but correspondingly punishing and ravenous. Although Stalin is still recovering from the Russian Revolution and World War I, he out of necessity becomes a great false prophet to the other equestrians, as he calls for them as much as they ask him. He has an evil personage of a master of dishonesty, even in religious realms, he sets a basic philosophy of self-deprivation to gain glory over the others. In fact, God allows the other three horsemen to w ork together during World War II as part of a seed, so the Red Horse can help Him secure Israel as a nation in 1948. Scripture even reveals that Israel has to be a piece of God’s historical world before the end times, as it is a chief part of God s plan for the generations in future days. Joseph Stalin is general secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1922 to 1953. He is born Iosif (Joseph) Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili on December 18, 1878, in Gori, Georgia,Show MoreRelatedThe Pony Express : The Great Threat Of The Civil War1140 Words   |  5 Pages had to be light, fit, and experienced. The Pony Express gave these riders to ride, the very best, and fastest horses that money could afford and buy. As little time past by, the Pony Express grew exceedingly. The Pony Express soon had over than 100 stations, 80 riders, and somewhere between 400 and 500 horses. 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