Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Marital Conflict and Childrens Adjustment

Question: Describe about the Marital Conflict and Childrens Adjustment? Answer: Marital ties and adultery Love Labor is a beautiful essay written by Laura Kipnis which actually explain the perspective of the term love. In her essay, she deigns her beliefs which are reflected by the prolonged culture of our society. This article state the principle that how social norms effects and order ones behavior and decisions of life in any aspect. Social norms push the mans desire to become a part of the higher class. The normal practices of the society influence a man to uplift in the higher society. They always want to jump in the higher class. The people who are already in that position try to maintain the status. The general believe is that the dream of the people is to live a rich life. They work hard to achieve that position of higher class. The media and other thing always the stories of rich people and general Americans became interested in their life and want to live that life as well. Kipnis draws the effect of propagandas in forming the life perspective of individuals life. She shows the path that ubiquitous propaganda imbedded in our mind by the picture of thousands of picture of lovely couples in the movie scenes. Television shows, magazine influence our mind towards the concept of love. These things diverted the mind of a man towards the monogamous love affairs in the human life. According to writer it is the maj or essence of a love affair in the mind of American society. In the same way, as the society is continuously uncovered to the speculation of aloft movement in our civilization, a lot of people come to grasp rising standard of living as an important objective in their existence. Consequently, it became the standard to desire to reach higher than the current position or standard of living. It is unexpected attitude to not endeavor for increasing standard of living or not to provide effort to receive a good quality job or move to high standard of college for a good career objective. In her essay Kipnis argued that the social rules are the primary basis of shaping an individuals personal life. My view is also very similar to her[1]. The social norms actually dictate the decision making of any individual even in case of private decisions. She argued that the concept of social norms actually provide an impact on the love life of any individual. She declares that if a person takes part in adultery, he actually protesting the view of societys monogamous aspect of love. In general society believes that the love should monogamous in nature. No one should share his love to any other person except his spouse or partner[2]. The author wanted to point out the activity of adultery as the way of protest against the societal norms and rule. But according to my point of view I am not totally agree with her. According to my aspect people carry out adulterous activities not as a protest against the social norms but rather for the reason that they either cannot observe the worth in monogamy or for the reason that they are not capable to manage their requirements. There are different aspects and purpose of marriage in the society. The desire to lead a high profile life to some extent destroys the marital love. The essence of love burns out from that relationship and the act of adultery come to that place[3]. The theory of divorce is also similar in nature. One spouse is dominated by the other spouse to some extent[4]. In this marriage tie also one side is exploited like proletariat and according to Marxist view divorce is the protest against the exploitation. According to the essay adultery is the protest against the monogamous form of love between partners. If the love and other mental tie up burns out from the marital relations then the action of adultery takes the place[5]. If the love burns out from the marriage, the unhappiness grasps both the partners[6]. Adultery is the way of relief to it. The marriage is normally focused on the child[7]. Someone observe the marital ties in the perspective of child[8]. In America it can be easily observed that maximum children are living with a single parent. It hampers the actual and proper raring of a child. Different studies show that the child gets the best raring in the family where the parents have good terms and relation. According to this perspective according to my point of view adultery hampers the life of an innocent child. The first chapter of the essay by Laura Kipnis declared that contemporary love is connected to a relationship of employer and employee. She makes the argument that love is the most enveloping and apparently primary notions in existence of human being. She state that child attain the rebellion attitude because of the hierarchy in the power division system in the society. The topmost member obtains the topmost power. This is one o the weakest line in the social institutions as claimed by her. This uneven power division system also evaporates the love between the couples. The adultery is the way to come out from the stress and disturbance in the marital relations. This article has positive as well as negative aspects. If come to the practical examples, if a person engages in the adulterous activity, he defiantly takes it as last resort to destroy the stress and tension in his life. This activity actually increases the work efficiency o that person also. But if we come to the negative aspect, we can claim that this kind of activities destroy the marital bond and moreover the family bonding which is ultimately very harmful for the society. Adultery can provide relief to a socially stress person but ultimately it reduces the respect in the social and marital ties. If decreases the moral values of a society which has a bad impact on the society in long run. References: Barrett, Michele.Women's oppression today: The Marxist/feminist encounter. Verso Books, 2014. Grych, John H., and Frank D. Fincham. "Marital conflict and children's adjustment: a cognitive-contextual framework."Psychological bulletin2 (1990): 267. Hetherington, E. Mavis, ed.Coping with divorce, single parenting, and remarriage: A risk and resiliency perspective. Psychology Press, 2014. Kipnis, Laura. "Adultery."Critical Inquiry(1998): 289-327. Kipnis, Laura.(Male) desire and (female) disgust: Reading Hustler. Eds. Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson, and Paula Treichler. na, 1992. MacKinnon, Catharine A.Toward a feminist theory of the state. Harvard University Press, 1989. Pamuk, Mustafa, and Emine Durmu. "Investigation of burnout in marriage."International Journal of Human Sciences1 (2015): 162-177. Westman, Mina, Dalia Etzion, and Esti Danon. "Job insecurity and crossover of burnout in married couples."Journal of Organizational Behavior5 (2001): 467-481. Kipnis, Laura.Against love: A polemic. Vintage, 2009 Kipnis, Laura.Against love: A polemic. Vintage, 2009. Kipnis, Laura. "Adultery."Critical Inquiry(1998): 289-327. Kipnis, Laura.(Male) desire and (female) disgust: Reading Hustler. Eds. Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson, and Paula Treichler. na, 1992. Westman, Mina, Dalia Etzion, and Esti Danon. "Job insecurity and crossover of burnout in married couples."Journal of Organizational Behavior22.5 (2001): 467-481. Pamuk, Mustafa, and Emine Durmu. "Investigation of burnout in marriage."International Journal of Human Sciences12.1 (2015): 162-177. Hetherington, E. Mavis, ed.Coping with divorce, single parenting, and remarriage: A risk and resiliency perspective. Psychology Press, 2014. Grych, John H., and Frank D. Fincham. "Marital conflict and children's adjustment: a cognitive-contextual framework."Psychological bulletin108.2 (1990): 267.

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